
Extra spaces

Thursday, 6th - Arrive home: BELONGING
12:00 - 19:00 - WELCOMING YOU from 12:00 Arrival, Registration & Soft Landing
(Last arrivals - Festival gates close at 19:00)
13:30 - 15:30 - Lunch served (not included, requires extra booking)
& DJ Set: Shamanic Dance Ritual by Albert Bitton by the Pool
16:00 - 18:00 - First Preparatory workshops:
A Conversation to have
Michal Maayan Don
A must attend for all those who don't know this conversations yet. This is the conversation you want to have before entering an intimate connection so that all of you is in. Stands for: R- Relationship Status, B - Boundaries, D - Desires, S - Sexual Health, M - Meaning & Aftercare
Setting boundaries will set you free
Kachenka Foltova
In this Workshop, you will learn a simple, practical, body- cantered process for figuring out your boundaries, and tools to communicate those boundaries to those who need to know about them. Developing our skills around setting our boundaries and saying what we desire, allows us to take better care of ourselves and have more mutually nurturing relationships. Learning to be fully responsible for our experiences will set us free to enjoy the journey of life in bliss.
Cum What May
all inclusive circle
Maya Magdalena & Roni Averashi
"Cum What May" is a not-for-profit, free-to-access platform and community, on a mission to destigmatize sex and sexuality. This held and guided circle will support you to open up, share your truth and connect with other festival members. Let's talk about sex, baby!
18:00- 19:30 - dinner
20:00 - 21:00 - Opening Ceremony
21:30 ~ 23:00 - Night Rituals:
Embodied Dance Ritual: Dancing with Desires, Sensing the Hungers
Alma ∞ Omega
Throughout our lives, our needs, hungers and desires for various levels of contact and intimacy are CONSTANTLY changing--and yet--it is a living art-form to sense and feel what is authentic and true--in this moment--and to move in the direction of this ever-changing, ever-unfolding truth. In this embodied-dance-ritual we'll be looking at the 4 hungers for relational contact: the hunger for Solitude, for Contact (with 1 other person), for Belonging (to a Community or Group), and the hunger for Spirit...and we'll invite these hungers to MOVE, DANCE, take up SPACE, and harvest these insights for this greater dance-floor that is our Lives.
Na Ołtarzu Ciała Świątynia
Aleksandra Maria Love & Maya Magdalena
Zaproszenie do głębszego poznania i zakochania się w swoim własnym ciele. Jaką masz relację ze swoim ciałem? Jak możesz się otworzyć na więcej czułego uwielbienia dla taksówki Twojego umysłu? Ciało widziane jako świątynia Twojej duszy nabiera innego znaczenia.W tej edycji wejdziemy, w tak czasami odległą, świadomą nagość. Powoli oswoimy się w byciu w swoim narodzinowym ubraniu w komforcie, w naturalności i osadzeniu w sobie. Wspólnie przejdziemy przez rytuał odwstydzania ciała - ściągania masek udawania przez ubiór - rozbierania się w tempie, które jest Twoje - odpuszczania warstw nieleżących już dobrze na Tobie - uwielbienia ciała - ukochania ciała.
3 Circle Ritual: self- pleasure ceremony
Simon Paul Sutton
3 Circle Ritual is a ceremony of self-pleasure, an open invitation to explore your body, your choices and your unique sexual expression in a welcoming ritual of intimacy in the community. It is an opportunity to witness and to be witnessed, to transform shame into celebration and to join an erotic collective of pleasure activists.
23:00 - 23:30 Intro Talk: Temple Culture #prep - Queenspace - A must go to for all of you who are new to the Temple Spaces and Temple Culture. Reminder of our Pillars, hygiene rules and tips for moving in the Open space.
23:00 - ... Open Space at Nectarium & Sauna at Saunarium
Friday, 7th: EXPLORATION
7:30 - 8:30 - morning activations:
Inner Lover Dance
Kasia Chojnacka
How do you give pleasure to yourself? Gentleness? Love? In this movement workshop you will be invited for a sensual dance with your inner lover that is going to leave you in a sweetness of being. Seduce yourself and allow for an embodied romance with yourself.
Shut Up & SHAKE
Simon Paul Sutton
No need to understand it all Let us just Shut Up and SHAKE ourselves into the present moment where all the magic awaits. A perfect fun way to begin your day.
Fluid Gravity
Andreas Dreki
Fluid Gravity is a form of unifying group movement similar to Contact Improvisation. The unique quality "moving as an extension from the core of earth" is established as a field synergy from the beginning. Play with balance, weight, and energetic polarities unfolds organically as an intuitive way of listening. Fluid Gravity was a modality developed by Andreas Dreki in New Zealand. This was offered for groups there and has now come to be offered around Europe.
8:30 - 9:45 Yum breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 All Community: Loved-up Bee Tribe Gathering
11:30 - 13:30 Morning workshops:
Moje TAK
Moje NIE
Aleksandra Maria Love
Twoje ciało zasługuje na królewskie traktowanie. O tym jest świadoma seksualność czyli w pełni uszanowana, obecna, intencjonalna, szczera, z serca. Gdzie świadomie podejmujesz decyzje o seksualności, tak aby było to zdrowe, karmiące, odżywcze doświadczenie Zapraszamy Was na warsztat z fundamentów świadomej seks-pozytywności
Ecstatic Freedom
Daniel Berman
In this journey we will celebrate ourselves through dance and be as liberated with our bodies as we choose to be. Through a de-robing ritual allow yourself to shed what doesn't serve you anymore and allow your body and soul to dance in complete freedom. Play with the beautiful eros energy and learn how to harness it enrich your body and soul without the need to discharging this amazing lifeforce. Nudity is allowed but is not mandatory.
The practice of Semen Retention & Conscious Ejaculation
Lenerd Louw
Very few men (or women) know that male ejaculation and orgasm are two separate things and that men can be as multi-orgasmic as women. Through the Practice of Ejaculation Choice you learn that you don’t have to ejaculate every time you make love, learn how to have orgasms without ejaculating, how to make love for extended periods of time, and how to transmute the built up sexual energy for any other area in your life. Notes: Interactive talk, some breathing exercises, fully clothed non genital self pleasuring exercise. For men AND women.
13:30 - 16:00 Lunch, nature flow & DJ Set by Alma ∞ Omega by the Pool
16:00 - 18:00 Afternoon workshops:
Melissae Bliss Performance Rehearsal
Marta Ziółek & Janka Jankiewicz
Unleash your performative creature and join the rehearsal in preparation for a performance in the open space the same night. We will connect with the energy of the humming song of The BEES and create a simple choreography inspired by the wisdom of the ancient Bee Nymphs called Melissae.
Initiation of the Masculine Divine Lover
Lenerd Louw & Michal Maayan Don
In recent years there has been so much talk about the goddess, the female divine lover and the sexual priestess, but what about the male sexual divine lover? This workshop will explore the Archetype of the Masculine Divine Lover and then participants will be initiated into it. The archetype exists in men and women. To the workshop we invite men and women and everything in between. The men (people in a male body) will be initiated into the divine lover with the help of the priestesses - the women participants. The women (people in a female body) will also be initiated into the archetype of the divine lover. We will harness our sexual personalities to support each other in calling for divine awakening, We will work from the ordinary into the magic, We will bring pride and honour to masculinity again, And we will go out carrying the archetype of the masculine divine lover, for every moment in our lives and in the act of love.
Orgasmic Breath ceremony
Kachenka Foltova
Do you want to bring a full flow of Orgasmic life force into your body and feel fully alive? Are you going through some difficult moment in your life and you want to move on? This deeply powerful ceremony will be a journey, where you will be guided into an altered state of consciousness using a deep connected breath - thus flooding the body with oxygen and allowing for any trapped emotions or traumas to rise to the surface, to complete expression or be cleared from your body. Leaving yourself feeling more whole and integrated.
18:00 - 19:30 Dinner & reset break
19:30 - 21:00 Yehoo Shalem Concert - Mellisae
Come and be touched by enchanting music and stories that will turn your HeartOn. Yehoo will share original heart songs and prayers with some middle eastern spice, and will share inspiring stories and wisdoms about living life as lovers of the mystery.
21:00 ~ 23:00 - Night Rituals:
Tantric Shabbat
& Sacred Singing Circle
Michal Maayan Don
& Yehoo Shalem
Singing prayer and devotion together in a circle, nourishes and connects the community to a special frequency of holiness. You are invited to join us for the Shabbat ceremony, to receive into us the "Shekinah" the female element of the divine, to light candles, drink the wine and bless the bread. Shabbat ceremonies were practiced on the land of Poland, in the Jewish communities for 500 years, and it is a special privilege to return the sanctity of the Sabbath to the land of Poland, from which this ceremony disappeared after the war. The Sabbath that returns to the land of Poland closes a circle of peace, and creates a correction of the collective trauma of all of us. We will sing prayer songs from all cultures, East and West, ancient and new, joy and longing... and we will meet the divinity through our voice and melody. In the sacred sexuality community, we also sing the sanctity of the body and communal love, evoking memories of ancient sexual consecration ceremonies, and singing over and over... until we are all in sync, until we all touch the special transcendence of consecration together, in the tribe. You are invited to come and sing from the soul, you are invited to come and play music, and bring your unique soulful voice to the harmony of all of us. From the songs we will also dive into cuddling and touch and love.
Mystery Temple
Aleksandra Ola Viduta & Jan Górczak
Temple night where mistery and your own desires will guide you to experience the Unknown. Will you dare..? All accompanied with beautiful, soul-and-body-catching music.
Andreas Dreki
This temple is an interactive exploration of soul & sexuality. We will be in the enquiry of what it feels like to have deep intimacy and erotic innocence present together in the same space. As we journey through the temple, finding the authentic quality of love establish in this group, the field will carry the foundation for intuition and instinctual wisdom to move freely. This energy will determine and direct the flow of exploration.
23:00 - ... Open Space at Nectarium with Performance & Erotic Bazarek & Sauna at Saunarium
Saturday, 8th: CELEBRATION
7:30 - 8:30 - morning activations:
HAKA Embracing our Power
Daniel Berman
Through this sacred ritual coming from the Maori culture in Aotearoa (New Zealand) we will connect to our primal power and learn how to harness into our daily life and manifest the reality we choose to live. In this workshop we will learn and practice a specific HAKA dedicated to owning our power.
Latihan: Moving in the Unknown
Albert Bitton
Moving in the unknown, surrendering to the mystery. Come into the journey blindfolded in a space of connection to self & others, and allow your body to move when IT wants to move. I learned this practice from my mentor and dear friend Laurie Handlers. I can say with all my heart that I never had such a profound experience of embodiment. And I am sharing this practice to share this powerful tool. out of Laurie Handlers Web site -“...But let me talk a little about how NOT moving in the unknown is one of the most costly, invisible limitations that sabotage our lives. Learning to move in the unknown is the OPPOSITE of being controlling. It’s the opposite of needing to be “Right”. Practicing moving in the unknown is the medicine for holding your body in knots and tension in your abdomen, anxiety in your chest, and clenching in your root. Have you ever experienced any of those things? Latihan is the practice of surrender in the most pleasurable way. It can be a daily, weekly, or monthly practice by your divine self or with a partner.“
relax your anus asanas
Janka Jankiewicz
Imagine the whole humanity would bring more awareness and relaxation into the darkest part of the body as a morning practice?
Give some love to your root chakra and start admiring your anal-self with simple morning asanas.
8:30 - 9:45 Yum breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 All Community: Loved-up Bee Tribe Gathering
11:30 - 13:30 Morning workshops:
Trans*mission Shamanic Voice Dialogue
Aviv Asis
Spiritual Awakening and Gender Transcendence It’s time to celebrate our differences and see beyond them. By embodying the divine masc and femme energies we will open up to the magical gifts they have to offer. As we sacredly unite these so called polarities we will passionately give birth to our own inner Goddexx prodigy. Come out and play!
Sacred Dance
Jan Górczak
A gdyby tak dać się zaskoczyć i podążać za impulsem nadawanym przez innych? Oddać kontrolę w ruchu, odpuścić i popłynąć…? Eksplorować nieznane kierunki, nie wiedząc dokąd nas doprowadzą… Celem jest doświadczenie siebie. W mocnej, wspierającej obecności grupy będziesz mógł doświadczać samego siebie, przeglądać się w innych, by spotkać przejaw swojej natury. Nasze ćwiczenia, będą odbywać się: w tańcu, ruchu i bliskości; pozwolą Ci poznać nowe jakości ruchów swoich i innych uczestników oraz nauczyć się nowych. W ich trakcie odkryjemy również, jak się poruszać i co zrobić, aby być lepiej rozumianym w ruchu. Doświadczymy jak prowadzić w kreacji i jak być prowadzonym w odpuszczeniu i lekkości. Aktywujemy moc na poziomie plemienia, która pozwala zobaczyć się z przestrzeni serca, w niewerbalnym, czułym kontakcie. Impulsy naszego ciała zabiorą Cię do zupełnie nowych doznań, a Twój układ nerwowy otrzyma przejażdżkę na wrażeniowym rollercoasterze.
Money Sex Business
Lenerd Louw
Sexual Energy and success in Money and Business are closely related - learn the why and how. Sexual Energy can also be transmuted into the money, career and business areas of our lives - learn how. Learn about Sexual Energy and it’s role in the Boardroom. Effective managing of a business and/or people also depends on knowing and practising the dance of when and how to use the masculine and feminine energies that reside in us all - men and women. Learning in which circumstance to use which can be transformational for results and for people.
13:30 - 16:00 Lunch, nature flow & DJ Set by KT Chojna by the Pool
16:00 - 18:00 Afternoon workshops:
OMG! Yasss Queen! Shamanic Voguing
Aviv Asis
Together we will reveal the hidden magic we inherited from our spectacular queer lineage and embark on a profound empowering quest. We will connect to the inner supermodel, walk the runway of life, DANCE proudly and celebrate one another as Queens among Queens! Optional dress code – Sexy Diva
Dark love puja
Michal Maayan Don
Let's activate the DARK MASCULINE and DARK FEMININE in a ceremonial act of our love in the world! You are invited to a puja of awakening the initial powers and the wild side of our Eros, moving deeper with the dark lovers we are, learning the magic of intense acts of sacred dark love. together we will activate our dark body and the transpersonal lovers we are connect with a deep and dense love in a ceremonial circle.
Ritual of Nourishing Touch: Guided tantra massage
Aleksandra Ola Viduta
A ritual, in which you meet with another human being on a sacred and intimate level. It will be guided you step by step to offer and receive a loving, nourishing touch to your temples- your bodies. Brings relaxation and nourishment to our phisical and emotional body. Intimate touch included, if in your boundaries.
18:00 - 20:00 Dinner (serving ends at 19:30) & reset break
20:00 - 22:30 WILD TRIBE RITUAL + CACAO - Michal Maayan Don & Albert Bitton - Melissae
We will go through a cosmic transition together, between dimensions, between the ordinary and the sacred, between the personal and the tribal, between separateness and connection. We will go through a journey of discovering the natural medicine capabilities of the tribe, we will go back in time to the ancient knowledge of tribal expression in movement, breathing, voice and music, and we will crack the ancient codes of the ability to live in a healthy way that channels all experiences in a daily way and tribal rituals that create resilience in the individual and in the community. In the tribes that lived close to nature, in a tribal connection where each person has a place and meaning, and within life powerful rituals of connection to the body of the tribe are interwoven, in music, prayer and rhythm, there was no need to heal the soul and personality because the rituals were a constant drain of emotion and trauma. The WILD TRIBE ceremony comes to connect us to the ancient and ancient knowledge of tribal medicine with joy and connectedness. In the ceremony we will activate the ancient codes of being able to create healing rituals from the ability to really see each other, and feel each other, really feel, really be together, and together create an ecstatic movement that brings us together with the powers of tribal medicine that are far beyond anything we have known so far. The secrets of the medicine of the tribes where the sexual intelligence is active, and teaches connectedness in a quality we have forgotten, this is a fascinating subject of investigation for me, and I am happy to bring this service to the tribe.
22:30 ~ 00:30 - Night Rituals:
Our Wild Nature: Dance Ceremony
Alma ∞ Omega
& Mattea Luna
We come together to honor all life. We give space to all the vast spectrum of our inner landscape and connect to that which surrounds us. We remember the wild and outcast parts inside of us and take refuge in the non-human realms of life that we are deeply interwoven with. How are we moving when we are allowing these forces to move through us? Can we make space to feel the grief of separation and the longing and hunger for life at once? Can we follow the humming of the Earth and surrender to her pulse? How is she dancing through us? This Dance Temple is a sweet blend of a guided dance journey, an ecstatic celebration, a humbling grief ceremony and deep prayer for all that lives and that wich came before us.
Temple of Divine Play
Kachenka Foltova
Playground for Conscious Intimacy This journey is an invitation to explore the connection to yourself and others in heartfelt, authentic, sensual, playful and erotic way. The space is a sensual shamanic playground where anything is allowed as long as it is truly coming from your heart. It is a safe space of growth and expansion where your fears and insecurities can be transformed into orgasmic state of being and experiencing yourself just as you are. Come and celebrate the beauty and power of being in the present moment, meet the tribe and explore the creative energy flow.
The NAKED Sanctuary
Simon Paul Sutton
Strip away all that you are not, enter and drink from The NAKED Sanctuary of outrageous lovers. Let us bow down to the divine within each of us and seek permision to enter the sacred temples of delight as we undress the masks to express our naked divinity.
00:30 - ... Open Space at Nectarium & 23:00 Sauna at Saunarium
Sunday, 9th: INTEGRATION
7:30 - 8:30 - Morning Activation: Breath & sound of the beloved - Yehoo Shalem
Wake up and invite this day to be a manifestation of love and devotion to the great beloved. We will journey through sound, sacred chants and sufi inspired breathworks to infuse this day with life and inspiration. Come with an empty stomach.
8:30 - 9:45 Yum breakfast
10:00 - 11:30 Integration workshops:
Integration: into GREATNESS
Michal Maayan Don
At the end of our personal and community experience at the festival, the moment comes to prepare to return to our new life. You are invited to go through a pleasant and empowering integration process. We will collect all the experiences into a process of rebooting all the systems, we will code the new in all our bodies and we will celebrate rebirth in preparation for the rest of life. We will go through a process together that will allow all the milk and honey to be absorbed in our existential life experience, in self-love, in the intelligence of our ability to belong and in deep well-being in our nervous system.
Parasympathetic bath
Maya Magdalena
& Roni Averashi
It's a space to co-regulate the nervous system in a group format, perfect for those who feel overwhelmed, triggered or out of their center. We will share some useful tools that you can take with you.
Temple of Sound ceremonial concert
Mattea Luna
'The Temple of Sound' is a space to feel and travel within. We will dive into a 90min journey of music, silence and travel to the tender and vulnerable places of our hearts and our being human. It's a space to lay down, get comfortable and rest with other bodies - while being gently carried into the ed of the Festival on a soft carpet of sound and prayers.
Making Love with Nature. A slightly guided adventure to the Wildness
In the woods
Aleksandra Ola Viduta
Your own personal journey to fully become one with the Living Creature called Earth. Find your flow, your pleasure, join your juices with Nature's!
12:00 - 13:30 Closing Ceremony with Dance Celebration by Alma ∞ Omega
13:30 Lunch & Departure by 16:00