For some it might be a gentle stroke on the back and a listening ear, for some, it might be lovemaking in all its forms imaginable. Whatever you choose to do, we suggest - go for consciousness, presence, being slower, and doing something different than what you are used to. Here are the 6 temple pillars which are how we collectively uphold the container of the Festival and give space for magic to unfold. We would like you to hear them and integrate them well:
Milk'n'Honey is a beautiful time to nourish your soul and body with contact, love, and togetherness. Go for what will nourish you!

∞ : : Self-responsibility – you are the one to take care of your own boundaries as well as desires and needs - clearly (verbally or non-verbally) communicating them with the other. SOVEREIGNTY is a basis for healthy relationships, you are the master of your reality and your response to reality. Remember that nudity and/or sexual interactions are always optional and totally at your own discernment. Take 100% responsibility for yourself (and not 110% assuming responsibility for others and second-guessing their intent).

∞ : : Confidentiality – to remain in SOLIDARITY with your Journey brothers and sisters talk only about your own experience. Refrain from revealing other people’s experiences or identities. Building SYNERGY requires trust and confidentiality is the first building block of trust. What is done and said in this container stays in this container. This also holds true within your individual interactions. The only exception would be when you get explicit permission from somebody to share about them for a specific purpose (e.g. sharing with your partner back at home). Still, go back to sharing from 'I' as much as possible.

∞ : : Sacredness – take this experience and space as an opportunity for coming more in alignment with yourself and thus putting your heart and presence in all your actions, especially when it comes to sexuality. The generated energy of bliss and ecstasy can be used for prayer & manifestation.

∞ : : Permission – to be, feel, and love. At any moment, you may invite others for play/engagement of any benevolent sort (dance, touch, eye-gazing, sharing, sensuality, intimacy, support, etc.) - even if they are already engaged. Ask for permission to join and seek a clear verbal or non-verbal 'yes' from ALL involved. Make your request specific. At the same time, you may say 'no' to anybody at any point without explaining yourself and disengage at ANY POINT.
Give yourself permission to be fully with what comes, including resistance, tears, anger, etc. Do not take anything personally!

∞ : : Compassion - use the magical qualities of your eyes to transform your reality and the people in front of you. Perceive them with their highest potential. Knowing that nobody comes with an intention of harm and that everybody makes mistakes. If you ever feel your boundaries have been overstepped it is your responsibility to give loving feedback. Don't let yourself or anybody else leave with any grudges. Transfigure your tribe into a fully magical experience with your own inner attitude and outer honesty.

Diversity of Love
∞ : : Diversity of Love - there are different way to give and receive love. Romantic, erotic, sensual, friendship, companionship, physical, platonic, community, nature LOVE - just to name a few. Which type of love do you long for? Which type of love are you coming for? Which type of love are you abundantly able to share? Milk'n'Honey is inviting you to feel where is it that you look for love and how do you hope to fulfil it. Inviting you to open up to different way you can feel loved and share your love.

Other Considerations
Hygiene & Safer Sex Practices:
The culture of sex-positive space is to use hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap after touching genitals (including your own) and before moving on to engage with another person. Hand
sanitizer, condoms, and other safer sex supplies are available at the hygiene corner during Temples and workshops. Please always use your own property to sit on below your naked bum or genitals. Bring your own preferred safer sex supplies for increased comfort. A safer way to engage in any sexual encounter is to have a proper clearing and clarifying conversation with the person before going into action. This conversation could include sharing about your desires & intentions, boundaries, relationship status & boundaries, STD & sexual health status, and meaning of the interaction with any expectations of aftercare.

Emotions during the Event:
We will be offering various opportunities to receive emotional support from the team of well-experienced and super-compassionate Support Bees <3 Also, we do encourage self-responsibility and reaching out for support is always very very welcomed.
During Temple Nights specifically:
The Temple playground offers an opportunity to research oneself by observing your own patterns. As much as emotions are welcomed in the Temple Nights, it is not meant as a workshop or group process space. Therefore, we ask you to be mindful about taking the attention of the whole group for personal processes. Instead, if at any point you get triggered by anything we suggest you stop and breathe deeper.
If still needed to follow these steps:
1) shake – shake thoroughly your whole body combined with lots of breathing for a few minutes until your state shifts - take care of your own emotions by allowing the emotions to move in the body and dropping back to the essence – you can do so in the designated self-care space,
2) consciously request anybody
you feel that can support you (to share, be held, release more, etc.),
3) ask for support from one
of the Support Bees or the facilitators (even if they are engaged in an activity).
Watching i.e. Sacred Voyeurism:
There are various ways to interact with the space. One of them is watching others. The request is that when you are watching the space you are doing so consciously and as a choice. If observing the entirety of the space, take a stance of watching with eyes full of devotion, let your eyes receive the beauty and transmission of bliss from others – look at people seeing in them their highest potential and beauty (nobody likes to feel judgmental eyes on them especially while exposing their delicate sides). If focusing on specific people, we call it sacred voyeurism. Sacred voyeurism is a practice. Before engaging in it ask permission for watching of ALL people involved.
If, however, you find yourself watching the space while being in contraction / freeze / judgments or simply in your head this will not support either you or the space. Immediately, recognize it and turn to self-care as in the above point. Moving to a self-care space might be highly supportive. Shake shake shake. Breath, sound, and movement are your best allies.
Relationship Boundaries:
If you are in a relationship/partnership we strongly recommend that you agree upon your relationship boundaries before arriving at the Festival, regardless of whether your partner is attending with you or not. These would include boundaries around intimacy, intimate touch, sexual engagement, safer sex practices (e.g. protection), etc. This field encourages transparency, open communication, and authentic expression of desires with integrity. If you need support to create this communication with your partner, the Festival team can provide online sessions before the Festival (extra fees apply).

Facilitators Engagement:
Facilitators, helpers, and creators of the Event are also humans. They will play, love, and engage - including sexual interactions - adhering to the same principles and with maximum integrity, authenticity, and well-meaning. We promote and role-model empowerment of all beings and soul gift sharing from a place of power, love, grace and freedom.