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Our Culture

Milk'n'Honey Festival is a unique place to experience the natural sweetness and nourishment coming from sexual liberation and erotic abundance. Our culture has a specific code of conduct that is fundamental to creating conscious sexuality magic together as a community.

conscious = 100% sober

The very basis of conscious sexuality is to be conscious = 100% sober (no alcohol, no drugs) and accept what is, exactly as it is, without substances making you do more, be more, say more, and feel more. Full consciousness is the key to feeling your actual desires, knowing the boundaries of your body, and sharing authentic vulnerability in human connection. It is an invitation to experience love, emotional empowerment, togetherness, intimacy, and Eros as our drug - it's free and healthy!


consent is sexy

Consent is what makes our space a safe playground of sexual exploration, in which we are eager to play only, if we all practice the rules of the game. Verbalizing your desires and asking for consent to make them happen can be such a turn-on! We believe in a full-bodied enthusiastic yes as a "yes" and in"no" as a full sentence. Our Support Bees will be flying around the Festival, in case you need any consent support. Want a solid refresher? On Wednesday before the Opening Ceremony, there will be workshops on boundaries and an RBDSM talk. Attend as many #prep activities as you can if you are new to these concepts.


We celebrate sexuality as a natural and healthy part of the human experience, and pleasure as an embodied energy of bliss. This festival welcomes your shameless sexual expression and your erotic playful self. ROYAL JELLY (Sex Positive Space) will be open 24/7 for you to play and explore. Please respect our community, and do not engage in explicit sexual connections in other non-designated areas or private spaces (especially shared accommodation).

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naturally human

We like it all natural! M'n'H is a nude-friendly / naturist festival. For hygiene reasons, please put on a sarong/pareo, if you wish to sit on our communal mattresses / pillows / chairs / carpets / sunbeds, etc. No need for make-up, artificial strong-smelling deodorants, or fragrances. Take care of your animal body with organic hygiene products and essential oils as perfumes. Respect nature in all forms - any rubbish you bring with you, take it back with you. No cigarette buds left in nature or anything else. Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking area. Compost bins will be provided for food leftovers. Bring your own plate and cuttlery from home to save the waste (the restaurant will serve food on paper biodagradable plates).

safer sex

Oh yes, we want our community to stay healthy while playing! Protect yourself and your connections from the transmission of STDs and other infections like e.g. common colds / scabies / head lice (treat anything treatable before arriving to the Festival - don't neglect funny symptoms). Talk about sexual health with your partners. Test yourself for STDs/STIs before coming to the Festival. Use protection, if this is what you need to feel safe and comfortable. Make informed decisions about sexual engagement and its consequences.


love is love

Our culture is based on unconditional love, mutual respect and empathy. We welcome humans with open hearts of all gender identities, sexual orientations, life philosophies, races, religions and nationalities. Any aspect of discrimination, assault, violence or micro-aggressions based on stereotypes/politics is unacceptable. Unfortunately, non-human lovely beings like dogs, are not allowed this time.

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